Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thank you

I would really just like to add one last post to this blog to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who donated items and money, who came to my 'packing party' and ran out to buy me supplies at the last minute, who drove me to the airport despite it making them late for an appointment, who made sure my bank stuff was in order while I was away, who took care of my kitty and my plants, who ordered supplies for me while I was away, who tried to get my fridge fixed for me, who bought cat food, who wrote articles in the paper about me, who followed my blog and inadvertently supported me by doing so, who texted me on my Haitian phone so that I could have some contact with home when the internet wasn't working, who thought of me when I was sick, who lent me a sleeping bag and thermarest to take along... and to my darling co-workers who reworked their schedules COMPLETELY to let me go away to Haiti... THANK YOU.

One last thank you to Julia and Sarah and Valerye for having their babies BEFORE I left so that I could be there :-)
And thank you to Carey for waiting to have hers until I got back :-)

And to the women of Haiti - who allowed me to be a part of their lives and their children's lives.
And to Bumi Sehat for doing such a wonderful job in Haiti.
And to my clients in Vancouver who have been listening to my stories.

And to my new Haitian friends.

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