Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Random thoughts

Hello again! I am taking advantage of the fact that I still have internet to write again! Just wanted to write a couple of things about Haiti before I forget:
- I hate cockroaches, especially when they fly in your hair.
- I also hate ants that bite. Though I found them quite interesting when they walked in a little line up my mosquito netting and ate the dead mosquito that I killed there a couple of days ago.
- Haitian rum and Haitian coffee are two beautiful things.
- Buying a huge bag of mangoes on the street for something like $2 rocks.
- There is no such thing as multigrain bread, hot water showers, or vegetarianism here.
- Virtually all volunteers have developed some kind of bad habit while here - for some it is smoking, but for me, I am now the diabetic who drinks the occasional Coca Cola! What??!! Bad, bad diabetic. Though I have to say that since being in Haiti in this scorching heat, I've become mostly non-diabetic. Only 1-2 insulin injections per day, instead of 4-5. In some kind of weird way, despite the copious amounts of fried food, refined sugar and lack of vegetables in our diet here, I have actually become more healthy!
- It is not unusual to receive daily marriage proposals from Haitian men. They are very, very persistent.
- My dorm room now seems eerily quiet with Amy gone and Tanya sleeping in her own room! I've lost Elleana and Amy all in one week! Luckily a new volunteer is coming soon... Until then I will play musical beds.

Please read more about the Haiti earthquake:

Ok, back to work... just wanted to write this down before I forgot!



  1. so good to see you back on here posting! i can't wait for the pictures and stories to come... embrace your last few days and get ready for all the huge hugs to greet you when you come home! xox laura

  2. Candace...glad to hear you are taking care of yourself, coca cola or not....great job gal....looking forward to seeing you when you return! Coming to CR?
